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AFTPy offers a comprehensive solution for analyzing and downloading Advective Flux Transport (AFT) data, streamlining the process of data downloading in parallel and also facilitating the conversion of H5 files into the most popular FITS file format or various other formats with ease.

aftpy provides two important Python modules named aftmap and aftgetdata. These modules can be used to read a single aftmap file or load all the files from a given directory.

aftmap module

The aftmap module also provides two Python classes AFTmap and AFTmaps (earlier AFTload). The AFTmap class provides an interface to read a single H5 AFTmap file and provides you the functions and instances to get the information and plot the data. The other class AFTmaps provides the interface to load all the data from a directory and provide the instances and function to know about the loaded data. It also provides a function to convert all the loaded data into FITS as well as many other formats.

aftgetdata module

The aftgetdata module provide a one step approach to download AFTmap file in HDF file format from the SwRI Public Data Server. This uses a parralel data download approach to download data very quickely.